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Help! I Found a Bird!

Use our easy to follow guidance tool to determine the best action to take. *Please read important information below regarding patient intakes*


Chimney Swift Pinkie=1.PNG

Has a funny looking, very loud little bird suddenly dropped down into your fireplace?
It's most likely a Chimney Swift!

What to do if a Chimney Swift baby appears in your fireplace. CLICK HERE:


As a 100% volunteer-led organization, Wild Nest is run by dedicated individuals who give their free time for the love of Georgia’s native birds. We do not receive any government funding and have no paid staff. During baby season, we regularly receive 40+ calls in one day and may admit dozens of birds in a week. 


Information on overnight care for birds can be found here: bird care page and our resources page has information on other rehabilitation facilities and licensed home rehabbers. 


We welcome new volunteers!

If you'd like to join our team, please visit the volunteer page and fill out an application:

Our Mission

Wild Nest Bird Rehab, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to rehabilitating Georgia's injured and orphaned birds for release back to the wild and educating the public about their conservation. 

Our Partnership with Georgia Audubon

Lights Out Georgia & Project Safe Flight

Help Our Songbirds Migrate Safely!

Atlanta is a dangerous city for migrating birds. Many birds migrate at night, and light pollution can disrupt their navigation and disorient them. Structures and glass pose additional threats. Sadly, up to two billion birds perish each year in collisions, and the highest mortality occurs during migration. Visit these links to see how you can help reduce bird collisions during migration and year-round.

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